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dates de tournée
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Date: Dimanche 13 Février 2011
Ville - Pays: Chicago - Etats-Unis
Salle: House of Blues

01 Ghost
02 Mean Bone

03 Nightrain
04 Been There Lately
05 Rocket Queen
06 Civil War
07 Nothing to Say
08 Back From Cali
09 Starlight
10 Always on the Run
11 We're All Gonna Die
12 Ain't that a Shame (w/ Rick Nielsen from CHEAP TRICK)
13 Jizz Da Pit
14 Just Like Anything
15 Mr. Brownstone
16 Sweet Child O' Mine
17 Rise Today
18 Slither

19 My Michelle
20 Paradise City  
Affluence: 6000 personnes
Durée: 120 minutes
Première(s) partie(s) : Miss Wendy
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