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Date: Dimanche 16 Septembre 2012
Ville - Pays: Hampton Beach, NH - Etats-Unis
Salle: Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom

Standing in the Sun
Back From Cali
Been There Lately
Civil War
Rocket Queen
Not For Me
We're All Gonna Die (Todd Kerns)
You're Crazy (Todd Kerns)
Bad Rain
No More Heroes
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Blues Jam
Sweet Child O' Mine
You're a Lie

Fall to Pieces
Paradise City
Affluence: 2000 personnes
Durée: 122 minutes
Première(s) partie(s) : Hillbilly Herald, The Cheaters
Cliquez ici pour accéder à la galerie photos du concert de Slash à Hampton Beach, NH, Etats-Unis
Infos diverses sur ce concert:

Slash: Great to have Hillbilly Harold out w/us. Albeit briefly. Some kick ass, straight ahead RnFn'R.
iiii]; )'
FYI, Foxy Shazam will be back w/us Tues for the duration of the US tour. Hillbilly Harold only did these last 2 gigs. iiii]; )'

I'm fold I did a Snakepit show in NH back in the day. But that doesn't count because I have absolutely no recollection of it. iiii]; )'

That was my 1st time playing NH! Fuck, I've been missing that all these years?! That crowd & that venue were unbelievable. Doh! iiii]; )'

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