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Date: Mercredi 10 Juillet 2013
Ville - Pays: Lansing, MI - Etats-Unis
Salle: Common Ground Festival
Been There Lately

Standing In The Sun
Back From Cali
Welcome To The Jungle (Todd Kerns)
Rocket Queen

You're A Lie
Sweet Child O' Mine

The Immigrant Song
Paradise City
Affluence: 12000 personnes
Durée: 90 minutes
Première(s) partie(s) : Monster Truck, Sevendust
Cliquez ici pour accéder à la galerie photos du concert de Slash à Lansing, MI, Etats-Unis
Infos diverses sur ce concert:

Slash: After an epic drive, we're finally in Michigan, R n R Capitol of the USA. Will be a rockin' gig tomorrow in Lansing w/out a doubt! iiii]; )'
Almost in Lansing. It appears the weather is on our side today. Looking forward to @sevendust tonight. R n Fn' R! iiii]; )'
Common Ground Festival, Lansing, Michigan tonight w/Monster Truck & Sevendust & more, tonight! iiii]; )'
That was a blast! @sevendust & ‪#‎monstertruck‬ were awesome. Fn' great Lansing crowd! Good X's for sure. Unless u were arrested. iiii]; )'

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