Toutes les infos sur
Living The Dream
  1. Call of the Wild (Slash / Myles Kennedy)
  2. Serve You Right (Slash / Myles Kennedy)
  3. My Antidote (Slash / Myles Kennedy)
  4. Mind Your Manners (Slash / Myles Kennedy)
  5. Lost Inside the Girl (Slash / Myles Kennedy)
  6. Read Between the Lines (Slash / Myles Kennedy)
  7. Slow Grind (Slash / Myles Kennedy)
  8. The One You Loved Is Gone (Slash / Myles Kennedy)
  9. Driving Rain (Slash / Myles Kennedy)
  10. Sugar Cane (Slash / Myles Kennedy)
  11. The Great Pretender (Slash / Myles Kennedy)
  12. Boulevard of Broken Hearts (Slash / Myles Kennedy)

     Boulevard of Broken Hearts   Cliquez ici pour accéder aux paroles/ traductions de cette chanson Paroles/ Traductions

Slash: "This might have been the last thing I came up with and
brought to the band. It was another idea I had where I wasn't sure the
other guys were going to get where I was coming from. But the chorus was
done in such a way that I'd knew they'd get that part of it, and from
there all we'd have to do is figure out the verses and the other
sections. It actually came together really quickly, and after Myles heard it he had a vocal melody almost instantaneously."

Myles: "It's a newer one, for sure. Lyrically, it's about
having this awareness that you're really close to obtaining your goals,
as well as beating the odds. I thought about it from the perspective of a
young musician striving for something, only the doors keep closing on
him. But he's already come so far. So, it's a reminder to stay on course
because you're almost there. It seemed like a good idea to end the
record on. Keep pushing through and persevering, and eventually what
you're shooting for will happen."

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