Slash :: Interview de Rod Jackson & Pride Hutchison (english) :: :: 2013-08-03

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Slash france rod jackson snakepit pride hutchinson explosive records
1/ Hi Pride, as we don’t know you very much, could you tell us more about you: bands you played with, bands you produced...

I am originally from Tulsa, Oklahoma and moved to Los Angeles in 1987. Started playing the drums when I was 9 and never stopped.
I started in a band named the Bridge Climbers (early eighties) released 2 singles and an LP on Explosive Records. I produced and played in six or so other bands before moving to Los Angeles with Phil Seymour and some band mates. I recorded and produced several more bands by the late eighties, including Steve Pryor, a great singer and a Guitar Hero, (Stevie RayVaughn esque). Then I moved to L. A. and started a band with Steve, David White, David Busey, and songwriting partner Scott Hutchison (My Brother) called The Steve Pryor Band. We were signed to BMG Publishing /ZOO records in 1991 and toured with the Fabulous Thunderbirds and Steve Morse Band for a couple of years and in between still managed to record and produce five or six more artist on Explosive Records. I have produced for all of the artists on the Explosive Label plus others. 

2/ How did you meet Rod Jackson ?
I met Rod while playing drums on some demos for a good friend, Kris Key who had a publishing deal with Peer Music Publishing in 1993. He would write all types of songs, some he would sing himself, or he would get other singers to sing them. While on break from the tour I listened to the songs that I had played on and a song came on and I said "who the F#ck is that singing, he's f#cking Great!!!!"  My Buddie said,  "That’s Rod Jackson". A few months later our tour was over, I was back in the studio producing and playing with some artists and I got a call one evening…when I answered the phone someone asked if Pride was there, I could hear in the timber of his voice, this must be Rod, and it was, he asked if I wanted to join a band he had called Dominic Rooster and play the drums.
Slash France Autres anciennes collaborations rod_jackson shadytree rodjackson
3/ As a multi tasks guy, as producer and a drummer, how is your approach of songwritting ?
Rod and I immediately hit it off and started recording and writing. We did a project with Steve Pryor and Rod Jackson called, "The Heaven Devils", then we started our current project, "Shady Tree" with Gary Neal, Marcello Corenza, and Greg Buckwalter. We played out all the time while working on writing more songs, the band mates are all writers as well. 
We continued to work with such great artist as Lester Chambers (The Chambers Brothers), Dick Sims (Eric Clapton), Joe Shermie (Three Dog Night), Bill "Stumck" Nugent (Frank Zappa).Rod and I always write from the heart. Some of our songs start with him or I on guitar or piano, sometimes by our self, sometimes together, sometimes as a band situation with other writers. 
I produced and played on 2 Lester Chambers LP's, Dick Sims LP (Rod sang on), Did some Movie Soundtrack work Rod/Shady Tree and produced about six more LP's on The Explosive Records Label. Then I ran into legendary music producer, Andy John's, (Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin) at a friend's pad, he and I started talking about the Explosive label roster and how he could contribute?  I told him about two female artist Sarah Risner and Amanda Campbell, I was producing, some Lester Chambers tracks we needed to finish and about my songwriting partner and best friend, Rod Jackson, Andy jumped at the chance to work together and man was it ever so cool to work with such great talent. 
So far we released two Rod Jackson/Shady Tree songs, "Diamond" and "Better Half" on the Explosive label and we have three more singles coming out soon that Andy had worked on with us. What an honor to have had the opportunity to be a friend and work with the great ANDY JOHNS! Also long time friend /engineer, Michael Dumas (Dwight Yokum, The Doors) who has contributed on several Explosive Records projects in the past, has been working with us on the new projects as Engineer /Co-producer.  You can see some of the our other artists on the roster at our Reverb Nation page: And our website:
4/ What’s your opinion about illegal music downloading ?
 I feel that illegal downloading is way out of hand.

5/ Do you think crowdfunding websites like is a good way to sell the music
I am not familiar with, but I will check it out. 

6/ What do you think of social network (Facebook / Twitter...) ?
Social Networking seems to be is a good way to get good music out and to connect with is how we met you!!

7/Could you tell us when and How the label was born ?
Explosive Records began in 1982 out of Tulsa, Oklahoma and moved to Los Angeles in 1987.The label is an Indy Street Label, we will work with artist as co-label and where many artists have gone on to get major deals…in the state of the record business you are either working with someone waiting to be discovered or someone who was already at the top.
The label is about all genres of music…we are diverse and cover Reggae, Rock, Blues, R&B, Folk, Jazz, Americana, Country, Alternative, World, etc

8/Who are major artists you signed on explosive record ?
We have signed to the label: Rod Jackson, Lester Chambers (The Chambers Brothers), Human Rights (H.R. from Bad Brains), Brian Haas, Dick Sims, Steve Pryor, Jah Eye, TJ McFarland , Souls of Love, Lesentu 

Rod Jackson
Shady Tree on Facebook
Shady Tree on Reverbnation
Shady Tree on iTunes
Shady Tree on Cd Baby

Explosive records
slash france explosive records rod jackson shaddy tree
Thx Rod, Pride & Lisa!

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